
Ludwig Neufahrer (1500-1563)

"(b ?Linz, c. 1500; d Prague, 1563). Medallist, goldsmith and diecutter, active in Austria, Germany and Bohemia. He was almost certainly trained in South Germany. In 1530 he was in Augsburg during the Imperial Diet and produced for the Holy Roman Emperor Charles V and other princes the first medals that can be securely ascribed to him. Subsequently he appears to have often been in Nuremberg, where he received commissions for portrait medals of Nuremberg citizens, such as that of Georg Hartmann (1533; Munich, Staatl. Münzsamml.). In 1544 he made a gold necklace. In 1545 he was living in Linz; having become a gem- and seal-cutter as well as a goldsmith, he was admitted to the household of King Ferdinand I (later Holy Roman Emperor). In the years that followed, he was mainly occupied with producing metalwork for the court, and his work as a medallist diminished in importance. In 1548 he became an assayer at the Vienna Mint and was granted Viennese citizenship in 1555. In 1557 he became Master of the Prague Mint and held this office until 1561. Probszt listed 111 medals by Neufahrer with portraits of royalty and members of the nobility, as well as leading citizens of the imperial cities of Augsburg and Nuremberg; there are also 10 medals with scenes from Classical mythology and the Bible. Neufahrer is regarded as the most important medallist working in Austria in his day." -, 25.08.2017

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Hergestellt Ludwig Neufahrer (1500-1563)
Wurde abgebildet (Akteur) Magdalena Gienger (1505-1561) ()