
Cristoforo di Geremia (um 1410-1476)

Cristoforo di Geremia (1410–1476) was an Italian medalist and sculptor. Cristoforo was highly skilled in metalwork. Born in Mantua, he worked most of his life in Rome. Cristoforo did a number medals and jewelry for royal and noble commissions, including some pieces done for Borso d’Este. Some of his works reside at the Cleveland Museum of Art. - wikipedia (en), 12.01.2016
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"Cristoforo di Geremia (1410–1476) of Mantua was a Renaissance sculptor, goldsmith, and medallist. He worked in Rome beginning sometime around 1456 and was active until 1476. He is most famous for his bronze medallion work under Pope Paul II. Cristoforo did a number of medals and jewellery for royal and noble commissions." - (Wikipedia (en) 12.08.2021)

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Hergestellt Cristoforo di Geremia (um 1410-1476)
Wurde abgebildet (Akteur) Paul II. (1417-1471) ()