Museum Ulm Projekt zur Aufarbeitung der Bestände aus kolonialen Kontexten [1929.6627]
Runder Einsatz einer Leinendecke (Museum Ulm CC BY-NC-SA)
Походження/Права: Museum Ulm / Oleg Kuchar (CC BY-NC-SA)
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Round insert from a linen blanket

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The fragment of the round insert consists of dark red knotted in wool nubs. A circle with a square inside forms the ornament. The sides of the square are bent outwards each. Within the square, there is again a circle that is divided in quadratic fields. The linen outside the circle is trimmed with rubbed down long-nubbed linen.

The Coptic textiles that are obtained in the Museum Ulm were acquired by the former Gewerbemuseum Ulm (Museum of Applied Arts) from the collection of Franz Bock (1823 - 1899) in the end of the 1880s. Dr. Franz Johann Joseph Bock was a cleric and art historian and travelled in 1885 and 1886 to Upper Egypt where he carried out excavations. In this manner, he set up a collection of Coptic textile fragments that come from graves. Particularly these are parts of blankets or tunics. The collected objects Franz Bock has sold gradually to different museums. Since Bock has cut his finds, normally only fragments from larger fabrics came into the different collections. Thereby it is likely that snippets from one and the same textile can be found dispersed on several collections.


Linen, wool; tapestry weave, knotting


H 30 cm, W 42 cm

Створено Створено
У власності У власності
Bock, Franz Johann Joseph
500 1889
Museum Ulm

Об'єкти з: Museum Ulm

Das Museum Ulm bietet mehr als 30 000 Jahre Kunst und Kulturgeschichte, präsentiert in 7 Gebäuden, u.a. in einem Kaufmannshaus der Renaissance sowie...

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