Museum Ulm Projekt zur Aufarbeitung der Bestände aus kolonialen Kontexten [2022.10969]
Pfeil (Museum Ulm CC BY-NC-SA)
Herkunft/Rechte: Museum Ulm / Oleg Kuchar (CC BY-NC-SA)
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An arrow from a bamboo shaft with a notch and an iron tip that is put into the shaft with a long-stemmed tang. The connection between the tip and the shaft is fixed by a wrapping of sinew. The helve is formed four-sided and provided with little prickles as barbs that are formed out of the iron. The arrowhead shows a triangle shape on top whose bottom ends end in a thin tip each. The shaft is decorated with incised ornaments in the upper part and fletched at the bottom.
The fletching is fixed with bast and the area at the notch is wrapped with bast. For the fletching, the ends of the split feathers were fixed to the end of the shaft so that they jut out from the shaft. Then the feathers were bended upwards and their quill was tied down to the shaft.

The provenance of the object is not cleared. The fletching and the tip indicate a potential origin from Central Africa.


Wood, iron, bast, sinew, feather


L 49 cm

Museum Ulm

Objekt aus: Museum Ulm

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