Museum Ulm Projekt zur Aufarbeitung der Bestände aus kolonialen Kontexten [1917.4092a und b]
Ladentischaufsätze aus einem Kolonialwarengeschäft (Museum Ulm CC BY-NC-SA)
Herkunft/Rechte: Museum Ulm / Michaela Dempf (CC BY-NC-SA)
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Two counter tops from a colonial goods store

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Counter tops that are sawn out from wood and painted. Depicted are two black male persons that wear the same attributes but are oriented mirror-inverted to each other. The both have a colourful plumage with a golden edging as headdress and as a skirt. They wear red strappy sandals, golden rings on both upper arms and an earring. In one arm, they carry a horn of plenty with fruits and leaves each and in the other hand, they carry a spear that points into the opposite direction of the other stand-up display. The spears are put together from several pieces of wood. The figures stand on pedestals that are painted on. The figure, who carries the spear in the right hand, is fixed to a wooden board that serves as stand space. For the second stand-up display, the board is missing.

The two counter tops came as gifts from the council member Friedrich Seeberger into the collection of the Association for Art and Antiquity in Ulm and Upper Swabia in 1917. They are from the colonial goods store that once has been run in the Pfluggasse 5 in Ulm. The tops date from the time of the founder of the store, Christoph Bürglen, and were in use in the times of Bürglen's successor, Christoph Seeberger, the father of Friedrich Seeberger.

Since the objects come from a colonial goods store and therefore represent colonial structures and since they take up stereotypical images in the depiction, they are determined as "objects that reflect colonialism".


Wood, colour; sawing, painting


H ca. 132 cm, W 173 - 177 cm

Museum Ulm

Objekt aus: Museum Ulm

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