


"In ancient Roman religion, Annona (Latin annōna “corn, grain; means of subsistence”, from annus "year") is the divine personification of the grain supply to the city of Rome. She is closely connected to the goddess Ceres, with whom she is often depicted in art.

Annona, often as Annona Augusti, was a creation of Imperial religious propaganda, manifested in iconography and cult practice. She is presented as a theophany of the emperor´s power to care for his people through the provision of grain. Annona thus lacked narrative mythology or a tradition of devotion in the Roman Republic, but once established as part of Imperial cult, she was the recipient of dedications and votive offerings from private individuals motivated by gratitude or the seeking of favor." - (Wikipedia (en) 18.01.2020)

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Sesterz des Nero mit Darstellung der Annona und CeresSesterz des Titus mit Darstellung der AnnonaSesterz des Severus Alexander mit Darstellung der AnnonaSesterz des Antoninus Pius mit Darstellung der Annona AugustiSesterz des Nero mit Darstellung der Annona und CeresDenar des Marc Aurel mit Darstellung der Annona
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Wurde abgebildet (Akteur) Annona
Wurde abgebildet (Akteur) Ceres (Mythologie)
Wurde abgebildet (Akteur) Severus Alexander (208-235)

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