
Eberhard Wahl (1943-1996)

Der gelernte Silberschmied Eberhard Wahl studierte von 1962-1966 an der Hochschule für Gestaltung Ulm in der Abteilung Produktgestaltung. Er war Geschäftsführer der Silberwarenfabrik Gayer und Krauss (1919-1999) in Schwäbisch Gmünd.

Objects and visualizations

Relations to objects

Dreirädriges Kleintaxi
Show objects

Relations to actor

This actor (left) is related to objects with which other actors (right) are related to

Form designed Eberhard Wahl (1943-1996)

Show relations to actors

Relations to time periods

Show relations to time periods

Activity (Interactions with objects)

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